Web Server Statistics for the Statistical Laboratory

Program started at Mon-19-May-1997 21:27 local time.
Analysed requests from Wed-10-Jul-1996 12:16 to Mon-19-May-1997 20:33 (313.3 days).

Total successful requests: 39 683 (3 902)
Average successful requests per day: 127 (557)
Total successful requests for pages: 8 416 (720)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 27 (102)
Total failed requests: 1 556 (323)
Total redirected requests: 494 (30)
Number of distinct files requested: 1 118 (604)
Number of distinct hosts served: 834 (66)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 44
Corrupt logfile lines: 532
Total data transferred: 129 603 kbytes (12 853 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 423 532 bytes (1 837 kbytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 40 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month: pages: 
--------  -----  
Jul 1996:   233: ++++++
Aug 1996:   144: ++++
Sep 1996:   560: ++++++++++++++
Oct 1996:   677: +++++++++++++++++
Nov 1996:   744: +++++++++++++++++++
Dec 1996:   334: +++++++++
Jan 1997:   716: ++++++++++++++++++
Feb 1997:  1109: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mar 1997:  1136: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Apr 1997:  1470: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
May 1997:  1293: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 40 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: pages: 
---  -----  
Mon:  1890: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue:  1570: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed:  1585: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu:  1985: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri:  1386: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:     0: 
Sun:     0: 

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: pages: 
--  -----  
 0:     0: 
 1:     0: 
 2:     0: 
 3:     0: 
 4:     0: 
 5:     0: 
 6:     0: 
 7:     1: +
 8:    72: ++++
 9:   269: ++++++++++++++
10:   499: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
11:   684: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:   692: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13:   760: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14:   757: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15:   813: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16:   793: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17:   830: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18:   652: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19:   676: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20:   520: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21:   385: ++++++++++++++++++++
22:    13: +
23:     0: 

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: Request Report)

Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----  ------  ------
29757: 72.04%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 6665: 16.79%: .gr (Greece)
  980:  3.39%: .net (Network)
  993:  3.15%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  494:  1.74%: .ch (Switzerland)
  173:  0.87%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
  136:  0.35%: .edu (USA Educational)
  110:  0.33%: .au (Australia)
   63:  0.32%: .de (Germany)
   72:  0.23%: .ca (Canada)
   42:  0.14%: .se (Sweden)
   20:  0.12%: .jp (Japan)
   64:  0.10%: .lu (Luxembourg)
   22:  0.07%: .be (Belgium)
    4:  0.06%: .il (Israel)
   24:  0.05%: .gb (Great Britain)
   24:  0.05%: .cy (Cyprus)
   21:  0.05%: .no (Norway)
    1:  0.03%: .gov (USA Government)
    4:  0.02%: .fr (France)
   14:  0.01%: .nl (Netherlands)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Request Report)

Printing all directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.
Printing directories to depth 1.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----  ------  ---------
 6712: 30.13%: 
17902: 24.96%: /new/
 6345: 18.94%: /USERwww/
 1896:  8.20%: /gis/
 2508:  5.65%: /infolex/
 1882:  4.15%: [root directory]
  455:  3.34%: /~tzar/
   95:  2.10%: /HOTcd/
  312:  1.38%: /STDN/
  378:  0.44%: /JAVA/
  145:  0.30%: /eegtti/
   39:  0.10%: /HTML_3.0/
   24:  0.10%: /wwwfaq/
   32:  0.05%: /~pvav/
    9:  0.03%: /others.html/
  853:  0.02%: /htbin/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report)

Printing all requested files with at least 20 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
 1246:  1.42%: /
 1026:  1.75%: hys.gif
  875:  9.85%: pelab2.gif
  833:       : /htbin/nph-count
  707:  0.53%: /new/eoklogo.gif
  702:  1.80%: /new/teip.gif
  701:  0.20%: /new/gr928b.gif
  649:  0.56%: /new/mail.gif
  645:  0.07%: new.gif
  642:  0.51%: /new/news.gif
  617:  1.12%: tei1.gif
  538:  0.67%: /new/
  453:  0.52%: /new/ecs/
  430:  0.48%: /new/doikisi.gif
  419:  0.43%: /new/eok.gif
  417:  1.05%: teilogo.gif
  411:  0.40%: /new/wwwadm.gif
  405:  0.44%: /new/gstat.gif
  403:  0.37%: /new/stef.gif
  399:  0.46%: /new/library.gif
  396:  0.36%: /new/sdo.gif
  387:  0.24%: /new/ecs/hyshdr.gif
  385:  0.51%: /new/ecs/pelab.gif
  383:  0.40%: /new/ecs/proist.gif
  383:  0.38%: /new/ecs/gramatia.gif
  375:  0.49%: /new/ecs/robot.gif
  375:  0.47%: /new/ecs/proccess.gif
  368:  0.44%: /new/ecs/micro.gif
  261:  0.17%: /new/info.gif
  257:  0.51%: /infolex/
  246:  0.45%: /new/stef.html
  235:  0.29%: /new/hy_sys.gif
  227:  0.27%: /new/auto.gif
  223:  0.26%: /new/electron.gif
  223:  0.22%: /new/stefgram.gif
  223:  0.22%: /new/stefhead.gif
  223:  0.23%: /new/dieyth.gif
  221:  0.27%: /new/electrol.gif
  219:  0.26%: /new/mechan.gif
  211:  0.26%: /new/domik.gif
  200:  1.13%: /infolex/weblex.gif
  199:  0.44%: /infolex/teip.gif
  198:  0.24%: /new/a051.jpg
  195:  0.26%: /new/klosto.gif
  195:  0.39%: /new/mail.html
  194:  0.04%: /infolex/engflg.gif
  193:  0.26%: /new/physic.gif
  189:  0.26%: /new/math.gif
  189:  0.15%: /infolex/granite.gif
  186:  0.01%: /infolex/greekfla.gif
  186:  0.21%: /infolex/928.gif
  184:  0.61%: /infolex/netscape.gif
  182:  0.25%: /new/foreign.gif
  176:  0.71%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/weblex.gif
  173:  0.40%: /infolex/java.gif
  172:  0.26%: /new/peter.gif
  170:  0.28%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/weblex28.gif
  167:  0.25%: /new/petros.gif
  154:  0.08%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/granite.gif
  150:  0.13%: arrow2bc.gif
  146:  0.02%: /new/ecs/pelab.htm
  142:  0.01%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_gflag.gif
  141:  0.10%: /new/ecs/gramatia.html
  141:  0.01%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_eflag.gif
  139:  0.15%: /gis/
  134:  0.01%: /new/1.html
  134:  0.11%: /new/3.html
  133:  0.02%: /new/undercon.html
  132:  0.02%: /new/2.html
  132:       : /new/5.html
  132:  0.31%: /others.html
  131:       : /new/4.html
  131:  0.39%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_hmenu.gif
  130:  0.35%: /gisbgd.gif
  127:  1.76%: www_2.gif
  126:  0.12%: /new/boat.gif
  124:  0.75%: welcome.gif
  124:  0.09%: /giscomp_but.gif
  123:  0.49%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/js/a_consbar.gif
  121:  0.26%: small.gif
  121:  0.40%: /gispelab3b.gif
  117:  0.05%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/
  116:  0.03%: /gisarrow2bc.gif
  116:  0.01%: /pelab_map.html
  115:  1.08%: /infolex/LED.class
  115:  0.22%: bkgr.gif
  112:  0.11%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/928.gif
  110:  0.02%: clock.gif
  109:  0.07%: help_but.gif
  109:  1.12%: slev.gif
  108:  0.39%: ath_surf.gif
  108:  0.07%: /gistei.gif
  107:  0.12%: /gis928.gif
  106:  0.40%: about_us.gif
  103:  0.07%: /giscopy.gif
  103:  0.06%: link.gif
  103:  0.35%: /gisath_hist.gif
   99:  0.06%: /new/gstad/gstadgr.htm
   97:  0.01%: /infolex/Pixelize.class
   94:  0.13%: /new/ecs/groups.htm
   94:  1.43%: /new/teipela.gif
   93:  0.87%: /new/tepelab2.gif
   92:  0.06%: /new/lib/library.html
   92:  0.02%: /slev.html.old
   91:  0.23%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_tseek.gif
   88:  0.26%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_tindx.gif
   88:  0.10%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/l_index.htm
   88:  0.07%: /new/gstadphone.gif
   87:  0.09%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_dbull.gif
   86:  0.15%: /infolex/Letters.class
   86:  0.05%: /new/gstadinfo.gif
   85:  0.03%: /infolex/FuncInfo.class
   85:  0.08%: /new/gstadboat.gif
   83:  0.02%: /new/gstaddoc1_ico.gif
   83:  3.70%: p4.gif
   82:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/
   82:  0.14%: /infolex/LEDMessage.class
   81:  0.06%: /new/gstadmailto.gif
   80:  0.22%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_thelp.gif
   80:  1.09%: /new/gstadgstad.gif
   79:  0.02%: /minas.html
   75:  0.25%: /gis/html/1n_page.htm
   74:  0.44%: /infolex/Script.class
   74:  0.40%: /gissurf_ath.gif
   73:  0.22%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_tsugg.gif
   70:  0.41%: /STDN/telixwww.html
   70:  0.26%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_hmenu.gif
   70:  0.08%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/back4.jpg
   69:  0.20%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_tabt.gif
   69:  0.09%: /new/ecs/program.html
   69:  0.14%: book.gif
   68:  0.12%: /new/ecs/pelab_1/pelab.htm
   68:  0.36%: athens.gif
   68:  0.05%: redcross.gif
   68:  0.49%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/mailbox.gif
   66:  0.07%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/delphi.gif
   65:  0.08%: /new/eok/eok.html
   65:  0.28%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/mike33.gif
   63:  0.19%: sfr_yp.gif
   63:  0.08%: /new/eok/back.gif
   63:  0.01%: /new/gstaddoor_ico.gif
   62:  0.18%: sfr_yphr.gif
   62:  0.21%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/ttf1.jpg
   62:  0.04%: /new/ecs/pelab_1/mail.gif
   62:  0.31%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/this.gif
   61:  0.01%: /infolex/Index.class
   61:  0.23%: /new/ecs/pelab_1/constr.gif
   60:  0.09%: ant_krit.gif
   60:       : /new/ecs/pelab_1/ball.gif
   60:  1.01%: /new/ecs/register.html
   60:  0.05%: metro_sm.gif
   59:  0.03%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/pvav/info.gif
   59:  0.05%: /gisoasa_gis.gif
   59:  0.08%: /new/eok/imsearch.gif
   59:  0.03%: /new/ecs/pelab_1/ball1.gif
   59:  0.05%: /new/ecs/pelab_1/bgd.gif
   58:       : /new/news.html
   58:  0.08%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_seek.htm
   58:  0.03%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/
   58:  0.07%: /new/eok/imeurope.gif
   58:  0.11%: /gisweather.gif
   58:  0.07%: /www_page.html
   57:  0.01%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/files/doc.htm
   57:  0.06%: /new/eok/guide.gif
   57:  0.22%: /gishardcopy.gif
   57:  0.14%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/grey.gif
   56:  1.04%: minas.gif
   55:  0.03%: /new/gstad/gstinfo.htm
   55:  0.02%: /JAVA/
   54:  0.06%: /new/eok/socrates.gif
   54:  0.05%: /new/eok/tempus.gif
   53:  0.06%: /new/eok/eokhead.gif
   53:  0.01%: /infolex/linkList.class
   52:  0.63%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/mike07.gif
   51:  0.03%: /new/mailto.gif
   51:  0.01%: /grg.html
   50:  0.07%: logo_java2.gif
   50:  0.14%: /infolex/default.txt
   50:  0.47%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/5x862.gif
   49:  0.03%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/page1.html
   48:  0.04%: ntua.gif
   48:  0.29%: clink.gif
   48:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/const_ho.gif
   48:  0.03%: logo_java.gif
   48:  0.13%: forthnet.gif
   48:  0.34%: hol.gif
   47:  0.05%: /gis/html/gis_2.htm
   47:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/mailbox.gif
   46:  0.37%: ariadne.gif
   46:  0.13%: patreus.gif
   45:  0.05%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/e_index.htm
   45:       : /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/blu_line.gif
   44:  0.01%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/
   44:       : /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/blueball.gif
   43:  0.21%: str_slct.gif
   43:  0.58%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/intel2.gif
   43:  0.92%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/pelab-b6/bkg2.gif
   43:       : /USERwww/AUT/
   43:  0.04%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/mpprog.htm
   42:  0.62%: grg.gif
   42:  0.04%: /STDN/pelab.gif
   42:  0.04%: /new/ecs/pelab_1/groups.htm
   41:  0.02%: /gis/html/gis.html
   41:  0.11%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_tindx.gif
   41:  0.02%: echo.gif
   41:  0.03%: /STDN/at_work.gif
   41:  0.10%: time.gif
   41:  0.18%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_text.htm
   41:  0.03%: ibm.gif
   41:  0.03%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/jellin/soko/arrow2bc.gif
   40:  0.04%: /STDN/telix.gif
   40:  0.11%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_thelp.gif
   40:  0.11%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_tseek.gif
   39:  0.24%: s_result.gif
   39:  0.06%: cyber.gif
   39:  0.10%: /STDN/banner2.gif
   38:  0.20%: boba.gif
   38:  0.41%: value.gif
   38:  0.01%: /search.html
   38:  0.15%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_index.htm
   38:  0.11%: /JAVA/api/
   37:  0.21%: main_map.gif
   37:  0.05%: /new/eok/grflag.gif
   37:  0.03%: /infolex/Demo.txt
   36:  0.02%: /new/gstad/regpage.htm
   36:  0.09%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_tabt.gif
   36:  0.10%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_tsugg.gif
   35:       : /new/eok/new.gif
   35:  0.31%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/vlsi.jpg
   34:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/pelab-a1/
   34:  0.38%: /USERwww/ECS/MeLAB/pkouros/loukia1.jpg
   34:  0.02%: /JAVA/apiblue-ball.gif
   34:  0.03%: photo.gif
   33:  0.01%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/pelab-b6/
   33:  0.01%: /JAVA/apired-ball.gif
   33:  0.02%: /JAVA/apimagenta-ball.gif
   33:  0.02%: /JAVA/apiyellow-ball.gif
   33:  0.03%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/
   32:  0.02%: /USERwww/AUT/syrkos/syrkos14.htm
   32:       : /map/english.map
   32:  0.02%: arr_right.gif
   32:  0.02%: /JAVA/apigreen-ball.gif
   31:  0.14%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/wl_text.htm
   31:  0.14%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/mike33.gif
   31:  0.07%: /new/lib/books-online.html
   30:  0.15%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/this.gif
   30:  0.03%: /new/eok/n_search.gif
   30:  0.06%: /new/eok/socrates.html
   29:  0.07%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/grey.gif
   29:  0.36%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/mike07.gif
   29:  0.03%: /new/gstadregistry.gif
   29:  0.13%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/mixbrn8d.jpg
   28:  0.03%: /new/eok/socrhead.gif
   27:  0.01%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/mail.gif
   27:       : /new/ecs/form1.html
   27:  0.24%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/5x862.gif
   26:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/grn16.gif
   26:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/red4marb.gif
   26:  0.08%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_index.htm
   26:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/mpprog.htm
   26:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/red16.gif
   26:       : blueball.gif
   25:  0.04%: /HTML_3.0/
   25:  0.33%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/intel2.gif
   25:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/tzar/yel16.gif
   24:  0.01%: arr_ul.gif
   24:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/MpLAB/soko/arrow2bc.gif
   23:  0.01%: arr_dl.gif
   23:  0.01%: arr_dr.gif
   23:  0.01%: arr_left.gif
   23:  0.01%: arr_down.gif
   23:  0.01%: /gisa.gif
   23:  0.01%: brk.gif
   23:  0.01%: /gisg.gif
   23:  0.05%: shuttle.gif
   23:  0.02%: /new/lib/ipl.html
   23:  0.15%: sel_area.gif
   23:  0.01%: arr_up.gif
   23:  0.01%: arr_ur.gif
   22:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/pelab-a2/
   22:  0.01%: /gisb.gif
   22:  0.01%: /gisd.gif
   22:  0.01%: /gise.gif
   22:  0.01%: /gisz.gif
   21:  0.02%: /~tzar/
   21:  0.19%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/jgkad/ptixiakes/pt01.htm
   21:  0.05%: /eegtti/
   20:       : /map/greek.map
   20:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/jgkad/ptixiakes/flaggr.gif
   20:       : /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/jgkad/timeprog/other.htm
   20:  0.01%: /new/gstad/gstinfo1.htm
   20:  0.03%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/zchris/we_seek.htm
   20:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/jgkad/ptixiakes/bt2.gif
   20:  0.02%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/jgkad/ptixiakes/flaguk.gif
   20:  0.28%: /USERwww/ECS/PeLAB/jgkad/ptixiakes/blue_stu.gif

This analysis was produced by analog2.11/Unix.
Running time: 12 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

HTML 2.0 Conformant!